Candy Crowley To Host State Of The Union
 Candy Crowley is the new anchor of CNN's State of the Union. Calling Crowley a "remarkable journalist" during a tease of the announcement at the start of today's program, John King revealed the news at the conclusion of the 9am hour of his final SOTU this morning. The anchor seat on CNN's Sunday morning political news review became available after King was promoted to prime time in November last year. Update: Here's the official press release from CNN, which includes details some changes to the Sunday morning lineup. CNN Press Release: CNN Announces New Sunday Lineup to Begin Feb. 7 at 9 a.m.
Senior political correspondent Candy Crowley has been named anchor of CNN’s Sunday morning political program, State of the Union, it was announced today by Jonathan Klein, president, CNN/U.S. Crowley will take the reins of the program beginning Sunday, Feb. 7 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. (ET). The program will continue the tradition of hosting a political hour of newsmaker interviews along with analysis of the week’s most important issues.
“Candy’s rare combination of shrewd insight and healthy irreverence for the games politicians play has made her one of the most honored political journalists and a cult figure among CNN viewers,” said Klein. “Every Sunday she’ll translate Washington-speak into plain English that every American can understand, as she has been doing better than any reporter on the beat for decades.”
“To me, Sunday morning is a sweet spot—a weekly meeting place to bring the hopes, worries and questions of everyday Americans I talk with along the campaign trail to the people I talk with in the Corridors of Power,” says Crowley. “Add to those conversations, interviews with A-team experts and international heavyweights making sense of global issues and what you have is interesting, relevant information. I can’t wait.”
An award-winning political journalist, Crowley joins the ranks of the network’s all-star Sunday lineup that includes Christiane Amanpour and Fareed Zakaria. The new Sunday lineup will begin with State of the Union at 9 a.m., followed by Fareed Zakaria GPS at 10 a.m. and Reliable Sources at 11 a.m. An updated edition of State of the Union will air at noon followed by a replay of GPS at 1 p.m. CNN’s Amanpour will air at 2 p.m. and replay at 5 p.m.
State of the Union launched one year ago with CNN’s chief national correspondent John King at the helm, and quickly became the most-quoted of the Sunday morning talk shows. In the wake of that success, it was recently announced that King would take over the weekday 7 p.m. program, which will launch in February.
Since joining CNN in 1987, Crowley’s assignments have taken her to all 50 states and around the world. She most recently served as the network’s senior political correspondent covering a broad range of stories, including presidential, congressional and gubernatorial races and major legislative developments on Capitol Hill.
As a member of the Peabody Award-winning “Best Political Team on Television,” she played a pivotal role in CNN’s America Votes 2008 coverage, traveling to both conventions, every debate and additional stops along the campaign trail. Crowley earned a prestigious Gracie Allen Award in 2009 for her coverage of Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House. She also was part of the network’s Emmy Award-winning 2006 mid-term election coverage.
In her career, Crowley has covered the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Howard Dean, Bob Dole, Jesse Jackson, Edward Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan, among others. Since the presidential nomination of Jimmy Carter, she has covered all but one of the national political conventions. Labels: Candy Crowley, CNN Domestic, John King, State Of The Union with John King
Weekly Observations - week ending January 30, 2010
Starting today, we'll be posting a weekly round-up of the tidbits that didn't make it to a post of their own, but are worth noting, along with news items we may have missed during the week. If you have any of your own observations from any of the CNN Worldwide networks during the week, send us a message via the tip box bottom right. - CNN covered Haiti 4 times as much as any other cable news channel last week, according to a new survey released this week - CNN International's Hala Gorani anchored her program, International Desk, from Port-au-Prince in Haiti this week. Chief International Correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, is also in the Haitian capital, and anchored her daily show live on location. - New figures reveal that 2009 was a watershed year for CNN Digital. - CNN International's Richard Quest was on the road all week and anchored his program, Quest Means Business, from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. - TV Newser reports on job losses after restructuring at CNN Radio. - Mediaite’s Steve Krakauer chats with Anderson Cooper (via ICN) - CNN International's Fionnuala Sweeney anchored her program, World 1, from Atlanta on Monday and Tuesday this week. The weeknight news show is normally anchored from CNN's London hub. - Anderson Cooper buys a firehouse. - CNN International launches a new monthly feature in February: iListLabels: Weekly Observations
Susan Lisovicz's Last Day
Today is Susan Lisovicz's last day at CNN. Her contract is not being renewed. Kyra Phillips had some nice things to say during her hour of CNN Newsroom. PHILLIPS: All right. Let's keep things on an up note. To all our viewers, ladies, gentlemen, everyone that's tuning in now, I just want you if you don't mind to stay with us here for a moment, stop what you're doing. This is Susan Lisovicz's last day with us, and I just want to do a little "This is your life." Let's take a listen for a moment.
LISOVICZ (on camera): Could clear the way for Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler lookalikes to light up the screen or possibly the television set once again. But whether today's writers could pull it off with the Southern style and grace of Margaret Mitchell remains to be seen.
Susan Lisovicz, CNN, Atlanta.
PHILLIPS: And you talk about grace, that is Susan Lisovicz, ladies and gentlemen. Grace, class, smarts. And the moment that I'll never forget -- she was the only reporter on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange to track down the president of the United States. Folks, it was called what we like to call a kick-ass moment in television. Let's go ahead and listen to it.
LISOVICZ: Do you think it's warmer than on Capitol Hill right now?
LISOVICZ: Yes, I'll never forget that. I think we went live, Susan Lisovicz, for about ten minutes because nobody here at the network could believe that you were able to work your way through that crowd.
LISOVICZ: It was actually 40 minutes, Kyra.
PHILLIPS: Were we live for 40 minutes?
LISOVICZ: Yes. It was all unscripted. You know, I tell you, that photo that we're seeing, that shot went around the world because President Bush was only the second sitting president to visit the New York Stock Exchange. And so there was mayhem on the floor, even more than usual.
And I only recently learned the story here. There was only one photographer on the floor. He was standing on a ladder. Such a great guy. He was calling my name to face the camera so I could have a memento but I was live on the air, I didn't hear him. The president heard him, looked up, waved and that shot was used in countless newspapers around the world. And in fact, yes, it was just...
PHILLIPS: We should point out too, Susan, that's what's been one of the most amazing things about you in all the years that you've been here at CNN. You're not just the gal at the New York Stock Exchange talking about our money. You've covered disasters, hard news, you've done amazing features, you've done it all.
And you're the only one to get the president that day and ask him one of the tough questions when he was getting hammered on Capitol Hill for issues concerning the war.
Bottom line, we are going to miss you, Susan. You're one of the most remarkable women I've ever met here at CNN, and I thank you for making me better at what I do.
LISOVICZ: Oh, I'm a click and a call away for all of you. I really appreciate all the calls, the e-mails.
And just one last thing about the president. That was an unscheduled visit, Kyra, and my sources told me he wasn't going to come unless the market was rallying, and the market rallied that day. And he dropped in and the market is rallying today.
PHILLIPS: And you rallied for us, boy, for 40 minutes on live television. We're going to miss you. We love you.
LISOVICZ: Likewise.
PHILLIPS: You're a great person, Susan Lisovicz. All right. During Tony Harris' shift on CNN Newsroom, he had some comments about Susan's leaving. Here is the video: Although she has been an anchor for Headline News, and a reporter for CNN and CNN International, she was most frequently seen reporting from both the CNN studio and the floor at the New York Stock Exchange.
She was live on the air when then-President George W. Bush made a surprise visit to the NYSE and pushed her way through the crowd to become the only reporter to get an on-air comment from Bush during his visit. Labels: CNN Business News, CNN Domestic, Kyra Phillips, Susan Lisovicz, Tony Harris
Analyzing CNN's Twitter Analysis
The Huffington Post's Danny Shea writes about CNN's real-time Twitter analysis of Wednesday's State of the Union speech... "We turned the corner tonight," Alex Wellen, CNN's Senior Executive Producer, Integrated Programming said in the control room shortly after King demonstrated the technology for the first time. Wellen said that CNN had access to the entire "firehose" of Twitter data, as opposed to the limited amounts Twitter makes publicly available for search, and said that there were three elements that made the analysis successful: 1. massive amounts of data, 2. timing of that data, and 3. state-by-state geotagging of that data. "All together, it gave us a 50,000 foot view of what the Twitter reaction was," he said.
Labels: Alex Wellen, CNN Domestic, David Bohrman
CNN Heroes: Saving Haiti
CNN Press Release: CNN’s Anderson Cooper and several CNN Heroes will come together for a special hour about courage, sacrifice and extraordinary personal commitment to help the people in Haiti. In the days following the devastating earthquake there have been brave and selfless acts of kindness and heroism throughout the country and CNN is dedicating this hour to acknowledge and honor those people. The hour will also follow up with some familiar faces: heroes who were honored by CNN’s annual initiative CNN Heroes and are in Haiti now working to rebuild the country. The special will air on Friday, January 29th on CNN and CNN International at 11pm ET.
Anderson Cooper’s reports on both tireless search and rescue teams as well as Haitians who suffered so much but who went on to help others while maintaining their resilient spirit. CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will profile surgeons Jerry and Marlon Bitar, twin Haitian brothers who run a hospital in Haiti with minimum supplies, yet they are determined to save lives and rebuild their country. CNN international correspondent Ivan Watson will profile Francois Rozenvil Gertha, a Haitian UNICEF therapist working with the children of Haiti on what is being done to treat the long-term emotional turmoil that follows a human disaster of this magnitude. Before the earthquake, Haiti had an astonishing 380,000 orphans, a number that has greatly increased since. Gary Tuchman, CNN correspondent, introduces us to Jean Robert Cadet, a man committed to rescuing children who have been victimized in Haiti.
In addition to Haiti’s everyday heroes, the special hour will also revisit CNN Heroes who have stepped in and are helping out in the relief and rescue efforts in Haiti. CNN Heroes is in its fourth year of spotlighting everyday citizens accomplishing extraordinary deeds. Doc Hendley, 2009 CNN Top Ten Hero, whose charity Wine to Water brings sustainable water purification systems to countries in need, is distributing the much needed water to the citizens of Haiti. Tad Agoglia and his First Response Team, honored in 2008’s CNN Heroes Tribute Show, will bring their recovery equipment and will be going on missions throughout the city. Boby Duval’s group L’Athletique d’Haiti‘s after-school soccer program, featured in 2007’s CNN Heroes, was created to feed and tutor the children. The soccer field is now a makeshift home to displaced Haitians who are encamped in Cité Soleil.
The special hour is produced by Anderson Cooper 360° executive producer David Doss and CNN Heroes executive producer Kelly Flynn. Executive producer Charlie Moore from Haiti and producer Chuck Hadad in New York also contribute to this hour. The special will re-air on Saturday and Sunday, January 30 and 31st at 8 and 11pm ET and 2am ET. Labels: Anderson Cooper, CNN Heroes, Gary Tuchman, Ivan Watson, Sanjay Gupta
Breaking News?
Which CNN International Correspondent does this broken femur belong to? Hint: It happened during a ski break (no pun intended) in Beirut.Taken your guess? Check your answer here. CNN Observations sends our best wishes, and hope for a quick recovery!
CNN Press Release - In addition to CNN’s continuing coverage of the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti and the upcoming State of the Union, CNN will devote programming to the impact of the economic stimulus plan one year after it was enacted. Beginning on January 24 and continuing through January 29, CNN will break down where the money has gone, whom it's helping, and who has abused the program. In advance of the January 30 release of new stimulus data, CNN will utilize its vast TV and online reach to inform its viewers about which projects have received the stimulus dollars, what is and isn't working, if Americans’ lives have changed for the better, and who's still fighting to get help. Beginning on American Morning and continuing throughout dayside and primetime programming, CNN will highlight the stories of everyday people, offering viewers an understanding of the good, the bad and the reality of whether the stimulus money is being well spent or going toward wasteful projects. In his first television interview, Inspector General Earl Devaney, “the stimulus watchdog,” will sit down with CNN correspondent Kate Bolduan to give his take on how the stimulus money has been spent. Leading the coverage on CNN/U.S. will be chief business correspondent Ali Velshi and CNN business correspondent Christine Romans. Velshi, along with CNN anchor TJ Holmes and correspondents Tom Foreman and Josh Levs, will review stimulus projects from CNN’s “Stimulus Desk,” and bring to light those that are the most interesting and newsworthy. CNN correspondents including Elizabeth Cohen, Drew Griffin, Joe Johns, Randi Kaye, David Mattingly, Ted Rowlands, Gerri Willis, and Kareen Wynter will fact-check the plan and report on which projects have been funded so far, where the jobs are, whether these projects will help the economy recover and where the loopholes are. In addition, CNN’s All Platform Journalists (APJs) have been deployed across the country on “stimulus patrol” and will contribute pieces throughout the week about various projects and people across the country that have been affected by the stimulus. Online, is the premiere destination for all news, information and analysis related to the stimulus, and will feature multi-media photo galleries, text stories and video. Additionally, as part of "The Stimulus Project," is launching a data visualization that details how much stimulus money has been spent thus-far and on which programs. The first of its kind, this interactive graphic will provide users with the most comprehensive and accessible view into the state of the stimulus. CNN's chief business correspondent Ali Velshi also will use the data visualization on the Magic Wall on CNN/U.S. to help television viewers understand how the money is being used. Additionally, at, has a special report that features an economy tracker which shows how stimulus money has been spent so far by state, and where new jobs have been created according to government information, an info-graphic that takes a look at some key factors of the economy and how it has gone up and down. In addition, the section includes opinion pieces on how the stimulus has worked and how it hasn't. CNN iReport, the network's user-generated news community, is asking iReporters to share their personal stories to add color to the numerical data. Viewers can call CNN at 1-800-TIPS-LINE, to explain what's going on in their communities and how they feel the stimulus has impacted their jobs and lives. CNN will also conduct a poll and release numbers daily about Americans’ views of the stimulus package and the economy as a whole.
CNN is the only cable news network that provides non-partisan programming representing all points of view.
CNN Worldwide, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner Company, is the most trusted source for news and information. Its reach extends to nine cable and satellite television networks; one private place-based network; two radio networks; wireless devices around the world; CNN Digital Network, the No. 1 network of news Web sites in the United States; CNN Newsource, the world’s most extensively syndicated news service; and strategic international partnerships within both television and the digital media. Labels: Ali Velshi, Christine Romans, CNN Domestic, David Mattingly, Drew Griffin, Elizabeth Cohen, Gerri Willis, Joe Johns, Kareen Wynter, Randi Kaye, T.J. Holmes, Ted Rowlands, Tom Foreman
CNN Deployments To Haiti (Updated List)
 In addition to continuing coverage on air, CNN has created a special webpage featuring the latest news from the Haiti. It can be accessed at:
If you want to find out how to help, visit
We will be keeping this page updated with further developments. Below you will find updates and information about CNN's coverage in Haiti.
At right: Anderson Cooper and Victor Diaz Rua, Dominican Minister of Public Works in chopper en route from Santo Domingo to Port-Au-Prince.
CNN correspondents deployed so far (as of 7:00am ET - January 22, 2010):
On The Ground in Port-Au-Prince:
- Jonathan Mann (CNN International Anchor) (arrived 2:19pm ET, Jan. 13) - Ivan Watson (CNN International Correspondent) (arrived 10:46am ET, Jan. 12) - Anderson Cooper (CNN Anchor) (arrived 10:05am ET, Jan. 12) - Neil Hallsworth (CNN Senior Photojournalist - traveling with Anderson Cooper)
- Susan Candiotti (CNN National Correspondent) (arrived 12:02pm ET, Jan. 13) - Ross Levitt (Producer - Susan Candiotti)- Jerry Simonson (Photographer - Miami Bureau) - Gary Tuchman (CNN National Correspondent) (arrived 12:02pm ET, Jan. 13) - Dr. Sanjay Gupta (CNN Chief Medical Correspondent) (arrived 2:19pm ET, Jan. 13)- Danielle Dellorto (Producer - Sanjay Gupta)
- Arthur Bruce (CNN Wire) - Rafael Romo (CNN Senior Latin American Affairs Editor) - Brian Todd (CNN Correspondent, The Situation Room) - Richard Roth (CNN Senior United Nations Correspondent) - (arrived Jan. 17) - Lisa Desjardins (Capitol Hill Correspondent - CNN Radio) (arrived Jan. 19) - Hala Gorani (CNN International Anchor/Anchor, International Desk) (arrived Jan. 22 - coming in to replace Jonathan Mann)
Labels: Anderson Cooper, CNN Domestic, CNN International,, Gary Tuchman, Ivan Watson, Jonathan Mann, Sanjay Gupta, Susan Candiotti
CNN Launches Two New Online Video Series
CNN Press Release: CNN Launches Two New Online Video Series with VBS.TV and Sub Pop Records is premiering two new web-exclusive video series through content partnerships with Vice’s VBS.TV, overseen by creative director and renowned film director Spike Jonze, and Sub Pop Records, it was announced today by KC Estenson, senior vice president and general manager of Both series – “VBS.TV on” and “Indie Asia: On Tour with Handsome Furs” – will be available globally on, as well as via the CNN App for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Building in-part on the success of’s Freshman Year series in which two first-time Congressmen document their experiences on Washington D.C.’s Capitol Hill with handheld video cameras, these new series help fulfill the site’s promise of adding more diverse voices and a range of perspectives to complement CNN’s in-depth global news reporting.
“When we unveiled the new, we wanted to showcase CNN’s in-depth reporting, as well as introduce a new range of voices to our users through strategic partnerships,” said Estenson. “Indie Asia will provide users with a unique cultural travel log of Asia, while the original storytelling from VBS.TV promises to bring the audience smart, alternative documentary-style videos.”VBS.TV on
Every Wednesday beginning on January 20, will showcase select original content from VBS.TV, known for capturing exclusive feature stories and in-depth interviews through a unique lens and story-telling style. The first episode, “Vice Guide to Liberia,” documents Vice Founder Shane Smith as he travels through the war-torn country, interviewing ex-war lords and residents who are struggling to move past a decade of violence.
“Most people who hear about this partnership will think, ‘Vice and CNN, hmmm... That's an odd pair of bedfellows for you.’ And you’d be right. The ‘Hipsters’ Bible’ hooking up with the World's News Leader is a bit odd,” said Smith. “But as our company began to evolve and cover stories around the globe, CNN was our first and only choice for a partner. In a world of hyper-partisan opinion-led ‘news,’ CNN’s credibility and reach put it in a class by itself. We couldn’t be more excited with a partner unless it was Jimi Hendrix (nod to all the Baby Boomers out there) joining our rock and roll band.”
Available at, each episode in the series will be accompanied by photography from the field as well as a first-person narrative to bring the story into full context. Vice launched VBS.TV in 2007 and is overseen by Jonze, founders Smith and Suroosh Alvi, and executive producer Eddy Moretti.
Indie Asia: On Tour with Handsome Furs
Sub Pop’s indie rock band, the Handsome Furs – made up of the duo husband and wife team of Dan Boeckner and Alexei Perry Cox - documented their travels during their first tour across Asia with two Flip cams for a new series entitled “Indie Asia: On Tour with Handsome Furs.” These self-described travel nerds share the fun, excitement and drama of visiting new places, meeting new people and tasting new foods in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Thailand with the audience.
“As a compact, nimble and experience-hungry two-piece, there are few touring bands more adventurous than Handsome Furs. It’s a real honor to be associated with such an amazing rock band, one so bent on bringing their wholly unique music to such far-flung parts of the world,” said Jonathan Poneman, Sub Pop founder and CEO. “Likewise, it’s an amazing opportunity for them and Sub Pop to be able to share Handsome Furs’ experiences with the millions of people reaches every day around the world. In the end, that sort of connection – on record, at shows and now on – is the whole point.”
The Asian tour featured in the series is in support of the band’s second record, Face Control, which got an 8 out of 10 from indie tastemakers, and other critical acclaim. Boeckner is also a member of indie rock break out band Wolf Parade.
Available at, a new episode of Indie Asia is slated to appear regularly in the travel section of beginning on Thursday, January 21. Labels:
Heidi Collins' Goodbye
 As we reported on January 8th, today was Heidi Collins' last day with the network. During her 9-11 AM ET CNN Newsroom show today, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and CNN Meterologist Rob Marciano both praised Heidi for her work.
Here is what Heidi had to say on-air about leaving CNN.
"I'm Heidi Collins. And before we leave you today, I'd like to take a really short second to say goodbye to you. I will be leaving CNN after nearly eight years of broadcasting to you from out in the field and from pretty much every anchor chair that exists at the network.
Somehow, though, you at home have been gracious enough to find me where I landed, and you took the time to watch. I appreciate that very much.
Here I go with the cheesy again. Without a doubt it's you, the viewers, that I will miss the most.
We will be back, though, with much, much [more] important things in the world, like what is happening in Haiti. We'll get you to that after a quick break right here in the CNN NEWSROOM."Labels: CNN Domestic, CNN Newsroom, Heidi Collins
This Week's CNN Exits
 This week, three fan-favorites have announced they are leaving CNN.
With the announced CNN Newsroom anchor shakeup, it left Heidi Collins without an anchoring spot. She will be leaving CNN on Friday, January 15th. After joining CNN Worldwide seven years ago as a news anchor for what was then CNN Headline News, she has become a news anchor for American Morning, The Situation Room, Anderson Cooper 360° and CNN Newsroom. No further information has been announced about her future plans.
Abbi Tatton's last broadcast on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer was today. Abbi has been with the Washington DC bureau of CNN since 2000, working as a political producer/production coordinator for CNN Election Express and a producer for such shows as Inside Politics, Crossfire and On The Story.
On Tonight's Anderson Cooper 360°, Anderson announced that Erica is "moving on to an exciting future at CBS News." Hill began filling in on the weekend edition of the CBS Early Show in August 2008, and was named a co-anchor in September 2008. She joined CNN Worldwide in January 2003 as an anchor for then - Headline News, then moving to host Prime News with Erica Hill before leaving Atlanta to join Anderson Cooper 360° in New York in February 2008.
We wish them all the best. Labels: Abbi Tatton, Anderson Cooper 360°, CNN Domestic, CNN Newsroom, CNN Worldwide, Erica Hill, Heidi Collins, The Situation Room
CNN’s Ali Velshi to Anchor Weekday Program
CNN Press Release - New Network Daytime Lineup: Phillips, Harris, Velshi and SanchezBuilding upon the success of CNN’sdayside programming, Ali Velshi will join the weekday lineup with anchors Kyra Phillips, Tony Harris and Rick Sanchez beginning January 18, it was announced today by CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein. From Atlanta, Velshi will anchor a two-hour general newscast from 1-3 p.m. as well as continue his role as CNN’s chief business correspondent and co-anchor of Your $$$$$. Phillips will anchor the 9-11 a.m. hours of CNN Newsroom, Harris continues from 11-1 p.m., followed by Velshi. From 3-5 p.m., Sanchez anchors his new program Rick’s List also debuting on January 18. “Ali has enormous range as a broadcaster, whether he’s reporting breaking news about an attempted terror threat, traveling across the U.S. interviewing Americans about how the economy has affected them, or breaking down business issues as complex as the mortgage crisis or the stimulus plan. He’s passionate and smart, and brings a level of expertise that viewers expect from CNN,” said Klein. Since joining the network in 2001, Velshi has covered every major business news story including the reopening of the markets after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, the fall of Enron, Arthur Anderson and WorldCom. Velshi traveled to cover the economic impact of natural disasters including Hurricanes Katrina, Gustav and Ike. In December 2007 he traveled to Pakistan to report on the assassination of politician Benazir Bhutto for the network. During the coverage of the 2008 presidential election Velshi was a part of the best political team on television and traveled extensively around the country on the CNN Election Express reporting on real issues facing voters. Last year, he covered the meltdown of the world financial markets and the following recession. Said Velshi, “I'm excited to have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our viewers by making the tough issues of our time clear and accessible to them. The feedback I get from our viewers as I travel around the country reinforces that they appreciate our commitment to breaking down the day’s news.” CNN Worldwide, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner Company, is the most trusted source for news and information. Its reach extends to nine cable and satellite television networks; one private place-based network; two radio networks; wireless devices around the world; CNN Digital Network, the No. 1 network of news Web sites in the United States; CNN Newsource, the world’s most extensively syndicated news service; and strategic international partnerships within both television and the digital media. Labels: Ali Velshi, CNN Domestic, Jonathan Klein, Kyra Phillips, Rick Sanchez, Tony Harris
Quick Hits
• Larry King will interview Richard Heene father of "Balloon Boy" Falcon Heene. Check out this interview Friday at 9:00 ET/6:00 PT on Larry King Live
• CNN has been nominated for a couple of awards in the forthcoming NAACP Image Awards.
Outstanding News/ Information – (Series or Special) - 'Anderson Cooper 360°: President Obama's African Journey' (CNN) - 'CNN Presents: Reclaiming the Dream 2'" (CNN)
Outstanding Variety – (Series or Special) - 'Michael Jackson Memorial Service' (ABC, BET, CNN, MTV, NBC)
The 41st annual NAACP Image Awards will air live on Feb. 26 on FOX. Labels: Anderson Cooper 360°, CNN Domestic, Larry King, Larry King Live