CNN's Coverage Of Iowa Straw Poll

CNN Press Release: As the GOP presidential candidates gather in Iowa for the much anticipated straw poll, CNN will have its political team on the ground to report throughout the weekend. Today and Friday, CNN anchors Candy Crowley and Don Lemon begin reporting from the caucus state. Deputy political director Paul Steinhauser and reporters Peter Hamby and Shannon Travis are already on the ground reporting from the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.
Also beginning Friday, August 12, CNN’s political correspondent Jim Acosta will report live from the primary state of South Carolina. Senior political editor Mark Preston will report live from New Hampshire covering candidates as they campaign in the “first-in-the-nation” presidential primary state, where Governors Huntsman, Perry and Romney are scheduled for events this weekend.
On Saturday, August 13, as results of the straw poll are announced, anchor Don Lemon along with Candy Crowley will provide live updates on a special edition of CNN Newsroom at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. from the campus of Iowa State University, in Ames, Iowa. CNN’s Jim Acosta also will cover the latest developments at the gathering in South Carolina, where Perry is expected to signal his presidential intentions.
On Sunday, chief political correspondent Candy Crowley will anchor State of the Union live from Ames, Iowa at 9 a.m. and again at noon. Rep. Michele Bachmann will be a guest on State of the Union.
Labels: Candy Crowley, CNN Domestic, Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, State Of The Union with Candy Crowley
Vigrinia Cha filling in on HLN weekend.
Ginny streched her luscious legs on the couch during sports update.
Cha, Cha, Cha, Ginny, love her skimpy skirt flashing those sexy gams.
Long, lean, sleek, slender & shapely. Sculptured calves & supple thighs, Oooh Ginny, your gams are just gorgeous!!!!
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