Weekly Observations - week ending February 19, 2011

This is our weekly round-up of the tidbits that didn't make it to a post of their own, but are worth noting, along with news items that we've covered that may need a second look.
- CNÑ launched a revised version of their website this week. On this new site they've removed the individual show pages and the individual Spanish-language anchor/correspondent pages and added smaller descriptions of the shows to the main page of the site. English-language bios for CNÑ anchors/correspondents (including some who are no longer with the network) can be found on the main CNN.com Anchors and Reporters page.
- CNN International is big in North Korea - One North Korean official asks Wolf Blitzer: "What happened to Christiane? We don't see her on CNN anymore." Read more at Mediaite.
- CNN Newsroom Correspondent Josh Levs delivers his own baby!
- After quite some time, CNN International Business Correspondent and World Business Today Co-Anchor Maggie Lake has a new bio picture. (what can we say? it's a slow news week...)
- Larry King said this week that CNN oversold Piers Morgan before his show launched. (h/t) TVNewser
- CNN International's Quest Means Business goes inside INTERPOL this week. Check out the promo here.
- Jim Clancy landed in Berlin on Thursday to prepare for iList Germany. Check in with him on Twitter and catch The Brief live on CNN International from Berlin on Monday at 1600 GMT/1700 CET/11:00 AM ET.
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