CNN Unveils New Look
CNN Domestic unveiled a new look earlier today. The CNN logo is now enclosed inside a white box. The live indicator still appears above the CNN logo, but it no longer sits in front of a map. The animated program box that previously sat directly beside the logo is now on the far left.
Below is a small selection of pictures from today's American Morning and CNN Newsroom. Click on the pictures below for a larger view.

Below is a small selection of pictures from today's American Morning and CNN Newsroom. Click on the pictures below for a larger view.

Labels: CNN Domestic
Huge improvement! I hated the previous graphics and didn't like the look before that much better. The addition of color is a breath of fresh air and the red CNN logo looks much better on white than on black.
It's also interesting how they're using the full 16:9 screen now, like FNC, and letterboxing the SD feed.
I'm just not a huge fan of the cluttered ticker/flipper. The word "update" seems unnecessary and the time/stock box is still not aligned nicely with the logo.
But overall, much improved!
Personally, I think the previous graphics had a much organized look. This new look is okay, but too cluttered and small.
They should have the CNN LIVE logo box on the left side of the screen on top of the 'update' icon but replace the word 'update' with '' instead. The time/stock box and the show/segment title box is NOT needed. They should just show the show logo before and after commercials.
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