CNN International Campaign Wins Cannes Gold

The campaign was created and realized by the agency HEIMAT, Berlin, around the anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. The ‘Go Beyond Borders’ campaign was recognized with Gold in the category “Media Lions/Best Use of Ambient Media: Large Scale” and with Bronze in the category “Outdoor Lions/Ambient: Special Build”.
The Cannes Media Lions award comes on the heels of several recent awards for CNN’s campaign, including a Gold Statue in the “Content and Contact” category and a Bronze Statue in the “Design” category at the CLIO awards 2010; a Gold Medal at Golden Award of Montreaux 2010 in the “Best Use of Ambient Media” category and two Bronze and three merits at Germany’s prestigious advertising awards ADC Wettbewerb 2010 (Art Directors Club).
"This campaign is a great example of how CNN's promise can be put into practice; To Go Beyond Borders is to make that extra effort, to be truly creative, to think differently and do something unexpected." said Mark Haviland, Marketing Director CNN International EMEA. "That's what CNN stands for and this campaign was true to that goal."
About the campaign:
CNN International’s ‘Go Beyond Borders’ message was transformed into an event that coincided with the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. 40 kilometers of CNN International branded tape marked the former demarcation line between East and West Berlin. Street artist El Bocho then created eight commemorative street art installations along the red line in venues including the Potsdamer Platz Subway Station, a bar in Neukölln and at Checkpoint Charlie.
Multilingual information boards provided historical facts. Integrated QR-codes linked to the CNN International website, where people from all over the world could share their memories and discuss the momentous anniversary.
The 40 kilometers of ‘Go Beyond Borders’ tape recreated the Berlin Wall for Berlin’s citizens and the tens of thousands international visitors who had travelled there for the occasion. The event received international exposure via Google Maps. Reports, pictures and films of the event provided further background information. Blogs, social media and El Bocho’s art ensured CNN’s new slogan truly went beyond borders. The campaign was created and realized by the agency HEIMAT, Berlin.
“Finding an agency which really understands your brand is always the secret to successful creative partnerships. Heimat has helped bring ‘Go Beyond Borders’ to life for us in a unique and involving way,” said Mark Haviland, Marketing Director CNN International EMEA.
Labels: CNN International
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