Another Headline News Anchor Gone!

Has anyone heard why he left? I'm not sure if it's been mentioned on air. I can only watch from 6-7 daily and haven't heard anything. Thanks!
Update from Feedback Form: It was announced on Fridays Robin and Company that Will was leaving. Atleast in the last half hour that talked about it. They said he was going to a newnetwork and a new job. No other details were givin.
Labels: Headline News, Robin and Company, Will Selva
Well, first Ray D'Alessio leaves (the show), Rally (the show), Adrianna (the network), and now Will. Uhh, that only leaves one person who could possibly be responsible, eh?
Don't say it's Robin.... she's great... isn't she? lol
This is too bad, I hope Will is on to bigger and better things. He fit in perfectly on Robin & Co.- I hope they find someone good to replace him. I also think the show needs an Entertainment Correspondent...maybe bring back Shanon Cook?
His wife just had a baby, so maybe he wanted something with a little more $$$ or maybe his wife moved somewhere, no one knows for sure. More "observations" about his leaving coming later this afternoon.
he's headed to espn...
Ray is more natural with Robin and Bob anyway. Maybe they'll bring him back.
Wonder what has happened to Mary Jo Mitchell? I haven't seen her in a while, is she still with the network?
Will Selva had a baby? Boy or girl? Congrats to him - seems like a nice guy.
well i had seen him talking about football on espn the other day so i guess he just found him self a better paying job. =]
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