Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Rick Sanchez De-Twittered

TV Newser details how CNN's Rick Sanchez was among around 30 people who had their Twitter accounts hacked inside the last 24 hours.

CNN addresses the issue in a statement:

"Twitter accounts used by CNN's Rick Sanchez and many others were recently compromised. As a result, some Twitter users may have received offensive messages attributed to Rick when the breach occurred. This is annoying, though such breaches are not uncommon when using social networking sites.

Rick has notified Twitter of his account's breach and taken some basic steps to secure his account's access. Rick enjoys communicating with viewers via Twitter and he and many others at CNN find social networking a valuable tool in their shows. Rick will continue to use Twitter — along with MySpace and Facebook — to engage CNN's audience."


  1. i wold like to say to pres-elect Obama to create an amnesty for aliens so that mechanism in the economy would get in place, taxes would be paid by most and monies would flow in the economy, industry would return to some normalcy pleeeeeaaaaaseee get this to the pres-elect

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Rick Sanchez is the wrong choice for a program of'
    this type. Hire Conor Knighton from Current and
    run the comments on the left like Havoc on the
    101 and add some news and get away from talk
    and opinion. In 2009 let's hope that CNN becomes
    the 1st 24/7 cable news network to declare it's
    independence from ideological journalism. Less
    talking heads and pundits and more news and
    interesting stories.

  3. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I agree with the Current idea. The network is being
    revamped right now and they do have some young
    host that could work on the weekends and HLN
    as well.I really enjoy the Vanguard journalism
    franchise. For the first time a more divers public
    will be tuning in to watch the news. Women &
    minorities are expecting to be tuning in more than
    ever. Rachel Sklar had an interesting item on the
    Daily Beast. She hinted at the possibility of a
    cable news network having a black male in prime
    time. Can you say TJ Holmes. Hello CNN. Rachel
    says DL Hugley does not count. The person needs
    to be a journalist. I think a lot of the people at
    Current could be a help to Larry King. Have
    Knighton do a CNN type Infomania for LKL each
    night and others from Current teaming up with
    CNN journalists . I also think CNN should permit
    viewers to submit legit news stories. Run an
    Infomania type program at 3pm with Knighton
    to replace Sanchez. The formula is already out-
    dated. As the program now stands it is nothing
    but talk radio.

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I think HLN should move Showbiz to the 9pm hour
    and make the show live. It might help them hold
    on to Nancy Grace viewers and challenge MSNBC.

  5. Anonymous2:01 PM

    TJ Holmes can't even string together two non-scripted sentences without mumbling and bumbling and umming more than Anderson Cooper and George Bush put together.
    Don Lemon would be good - he should have not been demoted to weekends. Or get back the best they ever had - Leon Harris.

  6. Anonymous2:15 PM

    If you switch Don & TJ in the above post.. You'd be right on target.
