Sunday, March 04, 2012

Willie Lora Named CNN en Español News Director reports on Willie Lora's appointment on Friday to news director of CNN en Español. (h/t: peramirez)

As a new news director, Lora becomes the chief executive of CNN news content in Spanish. Will be responsible for strategy, planning and implementation of the contents of the news, as well as prioritization of coverage and editorial vision of the chain.

"Willie brings proven leadership and invaluable experience to his new role," said Suarez. "I'm sure Willie is ready to take on new challenges and opportunities that lie ahead."

Lora has led the major political umbrella of the United States on CNN in Spanish and has been the principal architect of two of the programs of the chain, and USA Direct Clash of Opinions.

Lora, a veteran with 17 years with CNN in Spanish, has extensive experience in planning and production of multiple coverage of news events, as well as transmission to air breaking news. Lora has led the political coverage in the United States for the chain and has played a key role in the reporting of events of great global significance as the earthquake in Haiti, the coup in Honduras and the 50 th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. In turn, was instrumental in achieving a series of interviews with world leaders, particularly the President of the United States, Barack Obama and former presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton.

The original article is in Spanish, but you can read the rest of an English translation of the story via Google here.

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