Monday, January 30, 2012

CNN Previews Its Coverage Of Florida Primary

CNN today released its plans for coverage of Tuesday's Florida Primary. Coverage will simulcast on CNN International. CNN en Español will also cover the Florida Primary. Details from CNN's press release is below.

CNN Press Release: As the focus of the next Republican Presidential primary battleground zeroes in on Florida, CNN plans to utilize resources across its platforms for coverage on the ground and from the CNN Election Center. Anchors Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Erin Burnett and John King will headline the network’s America’s Choice: The Florida Primary coverage beginning at 7 p.m. A special edition of AC360 will air following the network’s primary coverage at 10 p.m. and a special edition of Piers Morgan Tonight will air at midnight. All times Eastern.

CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger and senior political analyst David Gergen, along with political contributors Donna Brazile, James Carville, Alex Castellanos and Ari Fleischer, will be on set in the CNN Election Center to offer insight and analysis throughout the evening.

Reporting from Florida on primary day will be anchor and chief political correspondent Candy Crowley live from the Romney campaign headquarters, national political correspondent Jim Acosta and Miami-based correspondent John Zarrella. CNN political contributors Erick Erickson and Roland Martin will be live from Miami. From Washington, chief White House correspondent Jessica Yellin will provide the latest updates on reaction from the Obama campaign.

Looking ahead to the Nevada caucuses, senior congressional correspondent Dana Bash and senior political correspondent Joe Johns will report live from Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada, respectively, tomorrow night. Tom Foreman also will report live from a focus group location of undecided Republican voters in Las Vegas.

CNN Radio

CNN radio reporters Lisa Desjardins and Bob Costantini will cover the primary results for the CNN Radio network and its affiliates. Desjardins will gather sound for the American Sauce podcast and Costantini will produce a Political Notebook podcast.

CNN Digital

Users can check out the CNN Election Center to track real-time election results and analyze the exit polls and results thus far from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. The GOP Delegate Calculator allows users after each caucus or primary to try their hand at predicting which candidates will win each state and eventually, the Republican presidential nomination. will continue to provide the CNN Electoral Map with the most recent predictions on battleground states as updated by CNN’s political experts. will live stream campaign events leading up to and on the day of the Florida primary. To engage and comment on election night news as it happens, users can visit the CNN Politics Facebook page. On Twitter, users may follow @CNNPolitics for breaking developments and join the conversation by using hashtag #CNNElections.

CNN iReport, the network’s global participatory news community, will be asking for submissions related to the events in Florida, some of which will be shown on and broadcast on CNN.

Across CNN’s mobile platforms, the latest election stories and opinion pieces will be available via CNN’s mobile website and on the CNN apps for iPhone, iPad, Android phone and Android tablet. The new Election Center section can also be accessed on CNN’s mobile platforms. All apps will live stream the candidate speeches and events during the primary. On primary night, live results can be viewed on CNN's mobile website and in the CNN App for iPad.

CNN en Español and CNN International

CNN en Español will offer extensive coverage of the Jan.31 Florida primaries, one in which the Latino vote is expected to play its most significant role yet. On Tuesday, Washington D.C. correspondent Ione Molinares will be reporting live from Tampa, and reporter Rafael Fuenmayor will offer live updates with guests from Miami throughout the day. Starting at 7 p.m., Washington D.C. anchor Juan Carlos López will host a special edition of Directo USA from Atlanta joined by anchors Patricia Janiot and Fernando del Rincón, and a panel of political contributors Maria Cardona, Juan Hernandez and Roberto Izurieta to offer analysis of the events of the day.

CNN International will simulcast the domestic network’s coverage beginning at 7 p.m. ET.

Programming schedule for Tuesday, Jan. 31 – Florida Primary day (All Times Eastern):

7:00PM – 10:00PM: America's Choice 2012: The Florida Primary (Live)
10:00PM – 12:00AM: Anderson Cooper 360° – Special Edition (Live)
12:00AM – 1:00AM (Feb.1): Piers Morgan Tonight (Live)

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