Sunday, November 13, 2011

Staff Cuts Hit CNN

Catching up with a story that broke Friday...

CNN has reportedly laid off at least 50 staffers. As The Wrap's Brent Lang writes:

Photojournalists, technicians and librarians were laid off, though no reporters got the axe, according to individuals with knowledge of the layoffs.

"It was a complete shock. no one had any idea this was going to happen," said one shaken employee. "This is not the friendly company it used to be. And no one really knows why - the economy, the ratings or what."

The cuts come to the cable network's newsrooms in Miami, Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta.

Another individual said the cuts were more than 50, and closer to 70.

Despite the cuts, a CNN spokeswoman said the network expects the number of positions to remain relatively flat over the next six months with the previous year.

Full story from The Wrap here and TV Newser here

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