Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CNN Sunday Numbers For Libya Coverage

CNN is noting its ratings demo win during Sunday's coverage of the turmoil in Libya.

CNN Press Release: Libya coverage ratings for Sunday, August 21:

CNN was live on Sunday beginning at 2 pm, ET. Matthew Chance reported from Libya around 2:15 pm and CNN/U.S. and CNN International began its co-production at 6:00 pm, ET and continued thru 6:00 am, ET the following morning.

From 6:00 pm, ET to midnight:

CNN topped FNC and MSNBC in the key demo 25-54 – outperforming Fox News by +27% and MSNBC by +86%.

CNN had a +128% advantage over MSNBC in total viewers.

CNN: 246k demo 25-54 (701k total viewers)
FNC: 194k demo 25-54 (950k total viewers)
MSNBC: 132K demo 25-54 (308 total viewers)

From 8:00 pm, ET to midnight:

CNN outperformed FNC and MSNBC in the demo -- topping Fox New by +30% and MSNBC by +158%.

CNN had an impressive +170% lead over MSNBC in total viewers.

CNN: 250k demo 25-54 (717 total viewers)
FNC: 192k demo 25-54 (870 total viewers)
MSNBC: 97k demo 25-54 (266 total viewers)

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