Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekly Observations - week ending July 23, 2011

This is our weekly round-up of the tidbits that didn't make it to a post of their own, but are worth noting, along with news items that we've covered that may need a second look.

- This week, Piers Morgan Tonight celebrating six months on the air at CNN. Check out this behind-the-scenes look at the show.

- CNN International's Tony Maddox says consumers want news ‘on the go’.

- Anderson Cooper gets down and dirty.

- CNN en EspaƱol launches new multi-media initiative to empower Latinas.

- Former CNN reporter now dedicated to writing novels. (via: Johnny $)

- CNN iReport and costumes galore at Comic-Con 2011.

- The Google+ profiles of CNN Breaking News and CNN International's News Stream are just two of the profiles deleted under Google's current crackdown on company or business profiles on their new social network.

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