Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekly Observations - week ending May 21, 2011

This is our weekly round-up of the tidbits that didn't make it to a post of their own, but are worth noting, along with news items that we've covered that may need a second look.

- CNN, SRLC to host Republican Presidential Town Hall Debate.

- CNN omits Eliot Spitzer during political sex scandals report. Note: Spitzer's indiscretions were later noted in a report filed by Tom Foreman.

- What's inside Anderson Cooper's New York office?

- CNN International sport anchor Kate Giles is set to leave the network to join a new German language version of Sky Sports News.

- HLN's Nancy Grace will report live from Casey Anthony trial this week.

- CNN International announced some of its planned coverage of the International Economic Forum early next month. Emerging Markets editor for CNN, John Defterios, will co-host two editions of 'Prism', as well as contribute live coverage from St. Petersburg during 'World Business Today' and 'Quest Means Business'.

- TMZ’s Harvey Levin tweets his beef with CNN's coverage of Arnold Schwarzenegger's mistress.

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