Friday, March 04, 2011

Fareed Zakaria Looks At "Restoring The American Dream"

CNN Domestic debuts a new Fareed Zakaria special this weekend. Details from CNN are below.

CNN Press Release:
Getting Back to Real Exceptionalism the Focus of New “Restoring the American Dream” FAREED ZAKARIA GPS Primetime Special

estoring the American Dream: Getting Back to #1 – A FAREED ZAKARIA GPS Special debuts Sunday at 8:00pm ET and PT

America used to be on top of the world across the board, besting the rest in education, innovation, wealth, and life expectancy – but now it’s falling behind other nations, in some instances way behind. America is now number 49 among the world’s nations in life expectancy, number 79 in elementary school enrollment, number 23 in infrastructure, and only the fourth most competitive economy.

CNN and TIME magazine’s Fareed Zakaria says the U.S. has arrived at a crowded crossroads where much of the rest of the world is catching up. He interviews some of the best minds in science, economics, leadership and innovation on the challenges we face, and offers his own solutions on how America can regain its number one status.

Foursquare co-founders Naveen Selvadurai and Dennis Crowley, Harvard University professors Joseph Nye and Niall Ferguson, international macroeconomist Dambisa Moyo, Swedish physician and statistician Dr. Hans Rosling, Columbia University economist Jeffery Sachs all weigh in on the best way forward for America.

Restoring the American Dream: Getting Back to #1 – A FAREED ZAKARIA GPS Special debuts Sunday, March 6 at 8:00p.m. and 11:00p.m. ET/PT on CNN/U.S. It will replay on Saturday, March 12 at 8:00p.m. and 11:00p.m. ET/PT on CNN/U.S.

Fareed Zakaria’s TIME magazine cover story, “Are America’s Best Days Behind Us?” hits newsstands today, Friday, March 4.


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Fareed Zakaria is one of the best. CNN needs
    to wake up fast. I predicted the new lineup
    in prime time on CNN would lead to a ratings
    boom on MSNBC. Right now CNN is getting
    badly beaten 2:1.MSNBC works hard on content,
    writing,story-telling and presentation as well
    as cinematography. CNN is putting on lousy
    programming. Drop the pundits and opinion.
    Viewers don't get anything out of that and
    it makes you turn the channel.If you can't
    find creative and innovative ways to bring
    your viewers the news you are in trouble.
    It is a safe bet that viewers don't like what
    CNN is offering these days. Get the message.

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Great blog thanks for your hard work. Clearly,
    you are a huge CNN fan.I make sure I catch
