Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Announces New Lead Homepage Editor

CNN has announced a new hire for the network's website. Tenny Tatusian is joining CNN's web division as lead homepage editor.

CNN Press Release: On the heels of CNN’s presentation on what’s next for CNN Digital last night, VP and managing editor of Meredith Artley has announced that Tenny Tatusian is joining the site as the lead homepage editor. Tatusian will be in charge of the overall messaging and tone for one the most-trafficked home pages on the web.

Tatusian joins from the LA Times, where she was most recently associate editor for She joins a handful of other recent hires in 2010:

- Bryan Monroe, editor of
- Amy Cox, World editor (launched Freedom Project blog last week)
- Amar Bakshi, World producer (launched Global Public Square last week)
- Dan Gilgoff, Religion editor responsible for Belief Blog
- Kristi Keck Ramsay, Weekend editor

And we’re just getting started!


  1. Anonymous10:41 AM could use an upgrade.

  2. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Do you have any suggestions?

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    CNN needs to make the experience more
    interactive like a video version of Flip mag.
    Video or pics should be accompanied with
    all categories and not just words Provide
    video snipets of the reports being filed by
    reporters all day long and say when you
    can see it on CNN. Real time updates for
    breaking news. For example. have the pics
    & video constantly change every 15 mins.
    Also, take what is happening in Israel
    with the blast this morning. Just have
    people make a frame grab from video
    and have 3 or 4 sentences to animate
    as you read the sentences. First sentece
    over video : Blast in Israeli bus station.
    Second 30 injured, Next no deaths reported.
    Ending with stay tune for more updates
    or conncect to the full report by clicking
    on the full story icon on the video.Right
    now it is not viewer user friendly

  4. Anonymous8:00 PM

    They should have trailers each day for
    the shows highlighting what viewers
    will see on all of the CNN shows.

  5. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Have full episodes of 360 and other shows
    available after they air live. ABC is doing
    this with Nightline and it is probably has
    something to do with Nightline beating
    Leno & Letterman.
