Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt's Revolution: CNN's Coverage Update

CNN Press Release: On Friday February 11, 2011 CNN increased its presence in Egypt with the addition of Nic Robertson (@NicRobertsonCNN) who has returned to Cairo this morning and is joined by Fionnuala Sweeney, who has been reporting from Israel and then Abu Dhabi during the recent Egypt protests. There are six CNN teams on the ground in Egypt: Ben Wedeman (@benCNN), Frederik Pleitgen (@fpleitgenCNN), Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN), Arwa Damon (@arwaCNN), Nic Robertson (@NicRobertsonCNN) and Fionnuala Sweeney.

CNN and CNN International will simulcast through AC360 this evening.

More than 30 CNN staff are now newsgathering and reporting for all of CNN Worldwide's platforms and providing extensive live coverage across: CNN/U.S. and CNN International on television;; CNN's free apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch; and, and CNN's Arabic language website based in Dubai which draws upon CNN's global resources of journalists and video production.

In addition to the reporting from Egypt, CNN has reporters covering this story from other key places in the region, including Mohammed Jamjoom in Yemen (@jamjoomcnn); Rima Maktabi in Lebanon and from Washington, D.C., senior White House correspondent Ed Henry (@edhenrycnn) and foreign affairs correspondent Jill Dougherty (@cnnjill).

Follow CNN's Twitter list of anchors, correspondents and staff covering Egypt from inside the country and around the world here: @cnni/Egypt.

CNN is also taking advantage of its large newsgathering hub in Abu Dhabi and the International Desk in Atlanta, which has numerous Arab speakers and specialists.

As the crackdown on media and communications continues, CNN is also covering the story through the lens of social media. Using CNN iReport and other platforms – much as the network did during the Iranian uprising in June ‘09 – CNN is showing this story in a different light.

Follow live streaming video coverage of the unrest in Egypt or read full coverage updated constantly by CNN reporters worldwide.

Most recent CNN iReport submissions can be seen here.

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