Thursday, January 06, 2011

Turner Broadcasting CEO: Parker Spitzer "A Work In Progress"

The Hollywood Reporter writes on Turner Broadcasting CEO, Phil Kent, and his comments at an investor conference presentation from Wednesday. The paragraphs relating to CNN are below, but you can read the full article here. You can also listen the entire webcast here (registration required).
The primetime ratings situation at CNN is "a bit more concerning" than other issues his division faces, Kent said, but highlighted that U.S. primetime only amounts to 10% of total revenue for CNN. Still, a show-by-show rebuilding is key in primetime, he said, adding that he has "very high expectations" for Piers Morgan's upcoming new show.

Meanwhile, Spitzer Parker is "a work in progress," he told the conference. It has the right form and idea, but he isn't quite happy yet with its execution, meaning it is "not everything we want it to be at this point," Kent said at the Phoenix conference, parts of which were webcast.

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