Sunday, January 02, 2011

Martin Savidge Anchors On CNN International

Following a two week straight run of subbing on the anchor desk and reporting on CNN Domestic, Martin Savidge is on anchor duty at CNN International this weekend.

According to comments on the forum, some are keen for Savidge to become a permanent face on the network:

Newser: "I'm not sure if he ever anchored on CNNI before, but I certainly hope this won't be a one-off thing."

alexcs: "He comes across really well, this is the first time i've seen him. Really friendly and welcoming yet authoritative."

ginnyfan: "Hope we see more of him, he reminds me a bit of Stephen Frazier which is a good thing."

Nuggle: "CNNI need to sign him up PERMANENTLY. He was fantastic. So great to have a man of his experience anchoring weekends."

You can watch a short video of Martin Savidge hosting 'World Report' from CNN International below.

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