Friday, October 01, 2010

Rick Sanchez Out At CNN

CNN today fired Rick Sanchez after comments he made during a radio interview on Thursday. Brian Stelter details the backstory and today's events...

CNN said in a statement Friday evening, “Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.”

Mr. Sanchez’s comments came Thursday during a contentious conversation with the comedian Pete Dominick on satellite radio. By Friday afternoon, a
recording of the conversation had circulated widely on the Internet. He had appeared on the radio show as part of a tour to promote his book, “Conventional

In the conversation, Mr. Sanchez, who is Cuban American, repeatedly suggested that he had experienced subtle forms of racism in his television career.

CNN says the 3pm - 5pm block, formerly hosted by Sanchez, will be filled with an extended CNN Newsroom for the "foreseeable future."

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