Monday, September 13, 2010

CNN Ranks #1 in Believability According to Pew

CNN Press Release - In a study released today by the Pew Center for the People & the Press, CNN once again has ranked #1 in believability among all news organizations including television, print and cable.

Of those surveyed by Pew, more than a quarter (26 percent) gave CNN the highest rating of “4” and more than half (58 percent) gave CNN a “3” or higher on a four-point scale of believability. A rating of “4” means you can believe all or most of what a news organization says, and “1” means you can believe almost nothing at of what they say.

Percent Rating Each Organization as a “4”

CNN – 26 percent
Fox News – 25 percent
PBS NewsHour – 20 percent
NPR – 20 percent
MSNBC – 19 percent
ABC News – 19 percent
CBS News – 19 percent
Daily Newspapers (most familiar with) – 19 percent
Wall Street Journal – 18 percent
NBC News – 18 percent
New York Times – 15 percent
CSPAN – 15 percent
USA Today – 13 percent

**The only two higher rankings went to individual shows and genres: 60 Minutes and Local TV news

Percent Rating Each Organization as a “4” and “3”

CNN – 58 percent
ABC News – 58 percent
NBC News – 58 percent
CBS News – 55 percent
60 Minutes – 57 percent
Daily Newspapers (most familiar with) – 54 percent
MSNBC – 51 percent
Fox News – 51 percent
PBS NewsHour – 45 percent
Wall Street Journal – 45 percent
NPR – 43 percent
New York Times – 43 percent
USA Today – 43 percent
CSPAN – 39 percent

**CNN ties with the broadcast networks ABC News and NBC News for the “4” and “3” rating.

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