Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekly Observations - week ending June 12, 2010

This is our weekly round-up of the tidbits that didn't make it to a post of their own, but are worth noting, along with news items we may have missed during the week.

If you have any of your own observations from any of the CNN Worldwide networks during the week, send us a message via the tip box bottom right.

- Robert Wussler, CNN co-founder, passes away.

- Piers Morgan in line to replace Larry King?

- CNN International in trouble with UK regulator.

- Spitzer to CNN? (via ICN) related: Memo to CNN - just say no to Spitzer.

- Fareed Zakaria criticizes media during oil spill crisis.

- Soledad O'Brien profiled.

- Questions arise over CNN's election night coverage.

- CNN polishes its journalistic cred.

- CNN planning to drop AP?

- Clark Howard renews contract with HLN. (via ICN)

- Larry King's wife hospitalized.

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