Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekly Observations - week ending May 15, 2010

This is our weekly round-up of the tidbits that didn't make it to a post of their own, but are worth noting, along with news items we may have missed during the week.

If you have any of your own observations from any of the CNN Worldwide networks during the week, send us a message via the tip box bottom right.

- Dan Rather on the pros and cons of a CNN-CBS merger.

- The premiere of CNN International's 'CNN Go' has been pushed back by a week. It was originally due to debut on May 13.

- CNN contributor Erick Erickson profiled.

- HLN anchor returning home for benefit.

- Dr. Sanjay Gupta profiled.

- What happened to CNN's 'Planet In Peril'?

- Ashton Kutcher Vs. Rick Sanchez.

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