Thursday, February 04, 2010

Miles O'Brien On CNN International

Miles O'Brien made an appearance on CNN International's 'World Report' on Tuesday.

Speaking from CNN's Washington bureau, O'Brien offered up his analysis on President Obama's plan to cut NASA's budget.

CNN Observations believes that this was Miles' first appearance on a CNN network since his departure in December, 2008.

This is Miles' tweet from his live hit:

In the belly. In the CNN green room. Nice to see some old friends. Weird wearing a viz pass. Appearing on CNN-I with @klstout #NASA


  1. You are correct! My first time across the threshold since I got offed.

  2. Miles does a great job!!!!

  3. It was great to see you on air, Miles! Extra nice that it was on CNN International, as we would sometimes miss out on your live hits from CNN Domestic in the past.
