Wednesday, September 02, 2009

CNN Continues to Top MSNBC in August


Campbell Brown Grows in Total Viewers Compared to a Year Ago, Larry King Live Tops Maddow in Total Viewers and

Anderson Cooper 360 outperforms Countdown with Keith Olbermann in Total Viewers and Demo 25-54

American Morning and HLN’s Morning Express with Robin Meade Outperform MSNBC’s Morning Joe

CNN Digital No. 1 TV News Property on the Web in July

For the month of August, CNN continued to top MSNBC in total day in both total viewers and in the key demo adults 25-54, and in primetime among total viewers (M-Su and M-F). In total day, CNN averaged 573k in total viewers, 45% more than MSNBC’s 396k, and posted 162k among 25-54, 13% ahead of MSNBC’s 143k. CNN also increased its total day advantage over MSNBC during August, growing to a 45% lead from 32% a year ago in total viewers, and increasing to 13% from 11% last year among 25-54.

In primetime (M-Su/M-F), CNN outperformed MSNBC among total viewers with 892k vs. 813k and 939k vs. 938k, respectively.

CNN primetime program highlights include:
Campbell Brown grew its total viewer audience compared to last year, up 13% (762k vs. 673k), while Countdown with Keith Olbermann lost -4% of his audience.
Larry King Live topped MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in total viewers for the 11th time since her launch, averaging 1.090 million vs 1.073 million last August.
• At 10p, Anderson Cooper 360 easily outperformed MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann in total viewers (866k vs. 695k) and in the 25-54 demo (260k vs. 243k).

Also in August, CNN’s American Morning outperformed MSNBC’s Morning Joe in total viewers (409k vs. 337k) and in the key demo adults 25-54 (148k vs. 117k). American Morning has topped Morning Joe every month since the MSNBC program launched in the fall of 2007 among total viewers. In August, Morning Joe placed fourth among 25-54.

On Friday evening (August 28), CNN’s coverage of Senator Kennedy’s memorial, Ted Kennedy Remembered (7-10:09p), attracted 1.929 million total viewers and 475k in the 25-54 demo. MSNBC’s coverage (7-10:20p) posted 1.377 million in total viewers and 310k among the demo, while FNC (7-10:20p) had 1.342 million and 274k, respectively. On Saturday, CNN’s coverage of the Kennedy funeral mass (10a-1:30p) averaged 2.339 million total viewers and 619k in the demo, while MSNBC had 1.096 million total viewers and 270k 25-54 and FNC posted 1.676 million in total viewers and 305k in the demo. Coverage continued into the evening with the Kennedy motorcade in Washington, D.C. and the burial at Arlington, with CNN (4-8:30 pm) registering 2.913 million total viewers and 692k 25-54. FNC (5-8:27p) posted 1.627 million total viewers and 348k 25-54, while MSNBC (5-8:32p) had 1.342 million and 335k, respectively.

HLN continued its successful 2009 with growth in a number of key time slots, beating MSNBC every hour from 6am through 2pm. Compared to August 2008, Morning Express with Robin Meade delivered 12% growth among 25-54 viewers and 2% growth among total viewers, beating MSNBC’s Morning Joe in 25-54 viewers by 21% (141K vs. 117K). Prime News at 6 pm increased 16% among both 25-54 viewers and total viewers. Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell delivered 9% growth among 25-54 viewers and 10% growth among total viewers, and Showbiz Tonight delivered 16% growth among 25-54 viewers and 11% growth among total viewers.

CNN continues to reach more viewers than any cable news network, while HLN tops MSNBC among cumulative audiences in August:

CNN: 109,168,000, FNC: 99,314,000, HLN: 93,467,000, MSNBC: 87,287,000

CNN: 49,163,000, FNC: 44,168,000, HLN: 42,693,000, MSNBC: 40,337,000

With a combined TV and online reach of more than 135 million, CNN continues to reach more people on more platforms than any cable news competitor in June, including MSNBC and Fox News. (Source: Nielsen Fusion – June 2009)

In July, CNN Digital was the Internet’s No. 1 TV news property beating the competition in all metrics, including:
- Unique Visitors: 38.7 million – 2.1 million more than MSNBC Digital; 23 million over Fox News Digital; 22.3 million more than ABCNEWS Digital; and 28 million above CBS News Digital.
- Total Minutes: 1.2 billion – 424 million more than No. 2 MSNBC Digital, 835 million more than Fox News Digital, over 1 billion more than ABC News Digital and 1.1 billion more than CBS News Digital.
- Average Time Per Person: 32.1 minutes – 24% greater than Fox News Digital, 44% greater than MSNBC Digital, 270% greater than ABC News Digital and 317% greater than CBS News Digital.
Additionally, among ALL News and Information sites in July, CNN Digital was No. 1 in Total Minutes and Average Time Per Person among the Top 20 News and Information sites, as well as Share of Online News (9%).

Year-to-date, CNN Digital also is the Web’s No. 1 news video property, averaging more than 109 million streams per month.

With 12.8 million unique visitors, CNN Digital remained the number one mobile news destination in July, surpassing the nearest competitor Yahoo! News by 144%. CNN Digital has remained the number one mobile news and information site for 31 consecutive months according to Nielsen Mobile Media View. (Source: Nielsen Mobile Media View, July 2009)

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