Thursday, September 17, 2009

ACORN reporting on CNN

CNN Press Release - Since the story of the ACORN workers caught on tape surfaced it has been part of CNN programming on the following CNN shows, on the dates listed (transcripts of each are available on our transcript page):

Lou Dobbs Tonight – 9/9
Campbell Brown – 9/10
American Morning – 9/11
CNN Newsroom – 9/11
Lou Dobbs Tonight – 9/11
Campbell Brown – 9/11
CNN Newsroom – 9/13
CNN Newsroom – 9/14
The Situation Room – 9/14
Lou Dobbs Tonight – 9/14
CNN Newsroom – 9/15
Lou Dobbs Tonight – 9/15
American Morning – 9/16
CNN Newsroom – 9/16

In addition, has published stories on this topic, and has six video segments available to viewers. These can be found on the CNN video section on our Web site.

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