Friday, May 15, 2009

International media still on the money for the world’s senior financial decision makers, says Global Capital Markets Survey

CNN Press Release - CNN International tops list of news brands for the global financial community

Results released today by the Global Capital Markets Survey (GCMS) show that in difficult economic times senior bankers, chief financial officers and treasurers at the world’s largest organisations are tuning in to international television for their fix of up-to-the-minute news and information. GCMS represents two distinct types of respondents: those working in the world's largest organizations - the capital borrowers; and those working for banks and financial institutions - the capital lenders. The survey reports CNN International takes the top spot, ahead of news channels BBC World, CNBC and Bloomberg as the leading news brand for the global financial community, across all regions (Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and North America).

According to Global Capital Markets, 85% of those surveyed watched international television four weeks preceding the survey and 69% had tuned in to international television in the seven days leading up to the survey. The results validate international television as the medium of choice for corporate financial professionals who have a direct hand in raising capital and trading the markets during the recession.

“In tough times when market confidence is low, these results speak volumes from an audience who are key financial influencers and play an integral role in keeping the global economy ticking over. The main message for advertisers is that to reach this elusive audience of finance heavy-weights, CNN delivers that promise better than any other network”, said Jonathan Davies, Executive Vice President Ad Sales, CNN International.

Across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, North America and the Asia-Pacific region, CNN leads its closest competitors BBC World, CNBC and Bloomberg in monthly, weekly and daily reach, cementing its position as the number one news brand across each region. Globally, 73% of financial management in the world’s 2000 largest organisations tune in to CNN each month, positioning the network 20 percentage points ahead of its nearest rival, CNBC (CNBC 53%, Bloomberg 45%, BBC World 45%). At 57%, CNN’s weekly reach ranks 17 percentage points higher than its nearest rival CNBC; the network also leads the field in daily reach.

Amongst the senior management of banks and financial institutions, CNN ranks as top choice, exhibiting a clear lead over the competition in all three measures. CNN connects with 72% of senior bankers on a monthly basis (Bloomberg 55%, CNBC 53%, BBC World 53%), 54% weekly (CNBC 41%, Bloomberg 39%, BBC World 36%) and 29% daily (CNBC 23%, Bloomberg 21%, BBC World 16%).

As today’s financial professionals increasingly look to online for the latest news and information, CNN records similar success with its branded websites. Combined, and (24%) rank second only to (38%) in terms of popularity amongst survey respondents, ahead of (23%), (22%) and (20%).

“We have a growing portfolio of banking and finance clients including Zurich, ING, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital and Qatar Financial Centre who continue to advertise with us across both web and TV”, added Davies. “Our cross platform results are an acknowledgement that we’re getting it right for the financial audience”.

About the survey:
The GCMS Survey provides data on TV viewing, website usage and readership among CFOs and senior financial decision makers in the world’s largest organisations, and among top managers of financial institutions, commercial and investment banks. Conducted by Think Media Consultancy, with a global universe representing 9756 individuals in 33 countries, the fieldwork was carried out between October 2008 and March 2009.


  1. Emanuel Gomez5:22 PM

    Hi, Dustin! Nothing to do with the article. I was wondering: CNN en Español announced a special about the 20 years of work-relation of CNN and correspondent Jose Levy, the longest active CNNE reporter and one of the longest for all CNN networks. "Testigo de la Historia" is due to June 11. Do you have more info on this?

  2. I will see what I can find out.

    Thanks! :)


  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    CNN is unfair not only to people in the streets, but also inside its own walls. CNN recently fired with a humiliating severance package an employee who was on disability dying of brain cancer. CNN also fired with a humiliating severance package an employee who was on disability awaiting double bypass surgery. CNN also fired a small group of hispanic workers in a cruel act to avenge a sexual harassment complaint against a female executive. CNN also fired a sales executive who was on disability recovering from mistreatment from his supervisors.


    Salvadoran journalist Mario Vela passes away 12 days after being dismissed by CNN. The organization AGACAMT denounces the hostile attitude of CNN towards ill employees. Jose Ramon Cotti, Puerto Rican journalist dismissed by CNN, remains in a hospital after months of pain.

    Salvadoran journalist Mario Vela passed away 12 days after CNN dismissed him. The company fired this worker despite the knowledge of the seriousness of his illness. Mr. Vela had been several months agonizing in Washington after his doctors declared there was no hope to save his life.

    Mario Vela and his family underwent the pressure imposed by CNN in his last days when receiving a document in which their rights of denunciation were questioned and conditioned to the signing of a humiliating severance package.

    CNN served notice to Mr. Vela via mail explaining that he no longer was to have his disability benefits and the medical insurance from the company.

    Eva Ventín, president of AGACAMT, the Galician Association Against Moral Harassment at the Workplace, denounces the hypocritical attitude of CNN, that, after putting Mr. Vela in the street, sent the Vice-president of CNN Spanish, Cristopher Crommett, to this employee’s funeral to sing a song and to deliver a pitiful donation.

    Relatives and friends of Mario Vela were themselves forced to organize a fundraising concert to collect money to pay for his medical treatment.

    It is difficult to think that a powerful and multi-millionaire company like CNN, that in spite of the world’s economy crisis have announced economic gains, gets to mistreat its professionals and families”.

    Mario Vela who passed away at age 34, was named by the mayor of Washington DC “the journalist of the year of 2007” recognition who was emphasized by his support to the Hispanic community and towards the under-privileged.

    With more than 10 years of experience Mario Vela was news director of Mega Communications and Radio Capital 730 in DC. Vela worked for Channel 30 of Univisión and Radio World in Maryland.

    AGACAMT wants to bring to the world’s attention other serious cases of labor harassment at CNN as in 2003 the local press of Atlanta related this network with the depression of a journalist who committed suicide. (see original editorial of the Mundo Hispanico about former news director Abel Dimant).

    The complaints of labor abuses and irregularities had been communicated to Mr. Jim Walton, the President of CNN, but there are no answers neither solutions that protect the victims.

    AGACAMT denounces that “this it is not the unique case of a journalist dismissed by CNN in a serious condition”. News anchor Jose Ramon Cotti remains in a hospital in Georgia after several months of pain.

    The Puerto Rican journalist also was dismissed by CNN while on disability awaiting a delicate heart operation.

    CNN brought Mr. Cotti and his wife to Atlanta from New York 9 years ago and the company has now totally forgotten this family, not even making a phone call to inquire about its employee’s condition after double bypass surgery and leg amputation and also after Mrs. Cotti’s hospitalization with health problems including stress related condition.

    We communicated Mr. Walton of the above again with no responses.
