Quietly, the CNN en Español people is getting to Twitter, too. Gabriela Frías (host of En Efectivo, coanchor of Al Cierre and reporter for CNNI's World Business Today) is @gfrias, Luis Carlos Velez (business producer and anchor of Al Cierre) is @luiscarlosvelez, the network is @CNNEE. Not many updates yet, I guess they are warming up.
Quietly, the CNN en Español people is getting to Twitter, too. Gabriela Frías (host of En Efectivo, coanchor of Al Cierre and reporter for CNNI's World Business Today) is @gfrias, Luis Carlos Velez (business producer and anchor of Al Cierre) is @luiscarlosvelez, the network is @CNNEE. Not many updates yet, I guess they are warming up.