Monday, March 16, 2009

“Road To Rescue: A CNN Survival Guide”

NOTE: This special kicked off today. Here's the presser...

CNN Pressroom - Full Week of Programming Devoted to Economic Crisis Across All Platforms including CNN/U.S., CNN International and, Beginning on Monday, March 16

In an unprecedented programming move usually reserved for live breaking news events, CNN will devote an entire week of coverage to the biggest story facing our nation: the global economic crisis. Beginning on March 16 and continuing through March 20, CNN will utilize its vast domestic, international and online reach to help viewers make sense of the complicated and often overwhelming financial fallout. Highlighting the stories of everyday Americans and offering possible solutions, resources and ideas to help navigate through the crisis, CNN will offer a diversity of thought, approach and opinion from various guests including entrepreneurs, stimulus recipients, banking experts, and analysts. The all encompassing programming effort aims to help viewers understand just who is accountable for the current situation, explore whether or not the stimulus money is being well spent and identify those in power who may be able to bring an end to the crisis.

On CNN/U.S., all dayside and primetime shows, anchors and correspondents will focus on the economic crisis both at home and around the world. Leading the coverage will be CNN’s Money Team which includes CNN chief business correspondent Ali Velshi, CNN business correspondent Christine Romans and CNN personal finance editor Gerri Willis, in addition to a diverse array of expert practitioners, who will all examine the key issues in play including jobs, housing, healthcare, debt, and the impact of the stimulus. Velshi will sit down with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner at the US Treasury as he obtains exclusive behind-the-scenes access.

On Anderson Cooper 360, Anderson Cooper hits the road and will report from five U.S. cities (Los Angeles, New Orleans, Detroit, New York and Tampa) to cover how Americans have been affected by the economic crisis and what they are doing to pull through.

“Devoting a full week of coverage to one topic that affects all Americans and the worldwide community is a first for us," said Jon Klein, president of CNN/US. "As journalists, we owe it to our domestic, international and online audiences to provide them with as much reliable, straightforward information so that people can make up their own minds during these critical times."

CNN International’s special coverage will focus on making sense of the economic downturn while looking ahead at the road to recovery. This coverage also includes a new segment called Faces of Recession, which profiles ordinary people whose lives have been turned upside down because of the recession and how it has forever changed their lifestyles, and daily reports from CNN correspondents all over the world illustrating the effects of the recession in their local markets. Richard Quest, host of Quest Means Business, will lead the daily coverage and provide up-to-the-minute reports and analysis on the global indicators, seeking to connect the dots of the global economy for both CNN International and CNN/U.S.

HLN’s Clark Howard will provide CNN viewers with consumer tips during CNN Newsroom shows throughout the week. Howard is a renowned consumer advocate and radio host whose television show Clark Howard airs each weekend on HLN. will feature in-depth reporting, interactive multimedia features and video – both live and on-demand – across the entire site, focusing on how industries, companies, and everyday people are finding creative ways to navigate “the new normal.” also will showcase analysis and commentary from a distinguished roster of economists and other experts regarding when and how the world economy will turn around; landing a job at a time of widespread layoffs; job creation in green industries; and how consumers can build their savings and protect their investments. Additionally, users can access a special report called “Where the Jobs are,” offering up- to-the-minute reporting on industries and companies that are hiring, as well as latest trends in the job market; and a customized interactive map providing a closer look at how globalization has increased the world’s economies’ dependency on one another. As part of CNN’s Impact Your World initiative, at users will find ways to help those facing foreclosure and eviction, loss of utilities and hunger. will examine the current state of the economy and how it’s affecting people across the country, as well as provide users with possible solutions to solve their own money problems as it relates to their jobs, homes and retirement. Beginning Monday at, users can access the exclusive CNN/Fortune Recovery Index, which tracks the government’s weekly progress between now and last Fall across seven key indicators – jobs, real estate, business confidence, inflation, credit markets, U.S. stocks and global stocks. Additionally, will debut a new video series next week: "The Fixers," introducing the key players charged with fixing the economy; as well as a new text series entitled “You’re hired!,” profiling people successfully landing jobs in the current economic climate., the network’s user-generated online news community, is collecting photos and videos from its users about how they tackle their personal economic struggles for the first iReport Economy Challenge. Available at, the week-long series will share everything from how to make the best brown bag lunch to penny-pinching lessons from Grandma to thrift store shopping tips, empowering users to have fun while being financially responsible.

CNN Student News, CNN’s cost-and-commercial free news program for middle and high schools, will focus on explaining the complex topics associated with the current economic crisis to young people. Additionally, CNN Student News will feature compelling insight from its teenage viewers about how the recession is affecting them on the week-daily program and on the blog, A to Z with Carl Azuz. Finally at, parents and educators can access online materials – including the CNN Student News Financial Glossary - to help young people better understand this intensely complicated economic situation.

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