Monday, February 02, 2009

CNN's iReport Unveils New Island in Second Life

CNN Press Release - Building upon the popularity of iReport in the virtual world of Second Life, CNN has relocated to its own island. This island features new ‘in-world’ geographic elements and meeting spaces, including a virtual drive-in theater complete with a snack bar and vintage cars where visitors can view recent in-world iReports, pick up iReport gear to dress their avatars and check out the page.

CNN’s mission for iReport within Second Life remains as it did upon launch in 2008: to provide Second Life residents a way to identify and share news and events happening within their virtual community through the submission of “SL iReports.”

On the new iReport island, residents also will find the SL iReport news desk and an amphitheater, which where part of the original iReport hub and will continue to serve as places to host weekly editorial discussions, training and appearances by CNN journalists and correspondents. During the weekly discussions, held each Tuesday at 5 p.m. ET (2 p.m. SLT), CNN’s SL iReport ambassadors, CNN producers and editors active in virtual worlds moderate conversations with residents about the prior week’s SL iReports and upcoming in-world events that might be interesting to cover.

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