Monday, January 19, 2009

Vestas enters 2009 with two landmark CNN International sponsorships

- Live/Facebook US presidential inauguration initiative

- CNN International’s coverage of the World Economic Forum in Davos

The world’s largest wind energy company Vestas Wind Systems A/S begins its 2009 commercial association with CNN International with an online sponsorship of the network’s exclusive collaboration with Facebook around next week’s historic US Presidential Inauguration on 20th January. In a crucially important month for world news, the sustainable energy giant will also reap the benefits of increased brand exposure with online advertising around’s coverage of the World Economic Forum in Davos from 28th-30th January.

“We’re delighted to be able to offer Vestas this premium branding opportunity at a time when traffic is expect to spike and when our online audience’s appetite for our compelling coverage of world events has never been greater”, says Max Raven, SVP Advertising Sales, CNN International.

In CNN’s most extensive collaboration with Facebook to date, on 20th January, users can update their own Facebook status directly from the Live player, watch CNN’s live video coverage of the presidential inauguration and receive status updates from other Facebook users logged on via Live. Vestas video-pre-roll advertising will run within the live player, giving the brand a unique opportunity to target millions of users across Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Latin America on a day when users will be engaged like never before.

Kasper J, Granat, Global Branding Manager, Vestas Wind Systems comments, “Vestas is always pushing the boundaries with our technology, but also how we engage with our stakeholders. We are therefore thrilled to be part of these unique media concepts. The context is highly relevant for us and our offering of modern energy, which has proven to not only be good for the environment, but also good for the economy.”

Capitalising on the network’s extensive pre-inauguration coverage, Vestas will run banner advertisements across’s homepage from today and will continue their advertising through 21st January in order to target users logging on for post-inauguration commentary. The Vestas banner advertising will be visible to users worldwide.

Vestas advertising will assume one hundred percent share of voice across, targeted to users in Europe on the 28th and 30th January as CNN provides live daily coverage from its top business presenters on location at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Vestas advertising will also be associated with ‘Dear Davos’, one of CNN International’s most ambitious audience initiatives yet where online and TV viewers are invited to contribute their thoughts and opinion on the event and the themes it raises. By writing in to viewers have the opportunity to contribute to CNN’s coverage, with comment included in live reporting from CNN’s Charles Hodson and Richard Quest throughout the week. In addition, CNN will offer all the latest news and analysis from the event as well as behind-the-scene images and blogs from CNN business correspondents at

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CNN International continues to be the international news channel of choice for reaching the European elite, leading all international news channels in monthly reach (EMS Select 2008), and is also market leader for combined TV and online monthly reach, confirming its position as the channel that best reaches the ‘upscale global citizen’ in the digital age. Overall lead in EMS Select positions CNN as #1 television vehicle for advertisers seeking to reach frequent business travellers and business decision makers.

Vestas – No. 1 in Modern Energy
All over the world, people must prepare to use new forms of energy. The sharp rise in energy consumption calls for a sustainable resource that does not create more greenhouse gases, pollution or waste for future generations. Wind power is a renewable, predictable and clean source of energy. Substantial capacity can be built up quickly, offering the energy independence demanded by the world's largest and fastest-growing economies. This is why we call wind power, modern energy. With a 23 per cent market share in 2007, Vestas is the world’s leading supplier of modern energy solutions. We have installed more than 35,000 wind turbines in 63 countries on five continents. We install an average of one wind turbine every four hours around the clock. In 2007 our wind turbines generated more than 60 million MWh – or enough electricity to supply millions of households. These are some of the reasons why Vestas is No. 1 in Modern Energy.

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