Monday, December 08, 2008

Veronica De La Cruz and Jennifer Eccleston Leave CNN

TVNewser scoops that American Morning Internet Correspondent and CNN/Headline News substitute anchor Veronica De La Cruz (pictured) is leaving the network at the end of the year. Her contract was not renewed.

Rome-based International Correspondent Jennifer Eccleston has also left the network. She left in August, however her bio was just recently removed from the website.


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Could this mean something big for Nicole
    Lipan and others at CNN also
    needs to drop Rick Sanchez, Lou Dobbs
    and Campbell Brown.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Letting Veronica leave? I think this was a bad idea. She's groundbreaking in new media with her facebook and twitter efforts, and her self-edited pieces with the Flip cam on the streets. Love her efforts. CNN should have fostered them, not nipped them in the bud.

    I'm sure they will look back on this as a mistake. Ever since '03 on Pipeline, she is where media is going in the future, and CNN just took a step backward with this decision

  3. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Last poster is right on the money. Letting Veronica go is silly. She stands out among a bunch of zzzzzzzzzzzzz....... Maybe that's the problem - she took focus from Collins, Chetry and the rest of the snooze patrol. I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about CNN.
