Tuesday, October 28, 2008

CNN is No. 1 at 10 p.m. in 2008 Among Adults 25-54

CNN Press Release - CNN is No. 1 at 10 p.m. in 2008 Among Adults 25-54Year to date, Anderson Cooper 360° remains the No. 1 show at 10 p.m. among cable news networks with 461k in 25-54, 4 percent ahead of On The Record’s 443k and 77% ahead of MSNBC’s Countdown replay (260k).

In prime time (M-Su), CNN grew the most during the month of October versus last year, increasing by an impressive 241% among adults 25-54 (840k vs. 246k), FNC grew 160% and MSNBC was up 212%. Beginning at 7p, CNN showed record growth in October with Lou Dobbs Tonight increasing 115% in total viewers (1.333 vs. 621k) and growing 110% among adults 25-54 (428k vs. 204k). At 8p, Campbell Brown: No Bias No Bull (formerly Election Center) increased more than any cable news program in the hour, up a whopping 190% in total viewers (1.604 vs. 554k) and increased 202% in 25-54 (610k vs. 202k). Larry King Live at 9p also posted significant increases, up 93% in total viewers (1.962 vs. 1.014k) and increased 128% in adults 25-54 (674k vs 296k). Anderson Cooper 360° at 10p posted the greatest growth in its hour with an increase of 238% in total viewers (2.451 vs. 726k) and up a staggering 297% in 25-54 (989k vs. 249k). Anderson Cooper 360° at 11p continued to post the most growth in its hour with 256% increase in total viewers (1.699 vs. 477k) and 263% in 25-54 (770k vs. 212k).

CNN is now the #1 network among adults 25-54 during five key hours: 3p, 4p, 5p 10p and 11p. At 3p, CNN Newsroom hosted by Rick Sanchez averaged 312k in 25-54 in October compared to FNC’s Studio B with 309k and 178k for MSNBC Live. At 4p, The Situation Room ranked #1 with 341k in adults 25-54, compared to 334k for FNC’s Your World and MSNBC Live’s 203k. At 5p The Situation Room posted 369k compared to 336k for FNC’s Election Headquarters and MSNBC Hardball’s 313k. At 10p Anderson Cooper 360° ranked #1 for the month with 989k in the demo versus 862kfor On the Record, and 512k MSNBC’s Countdown. At 11p, the second hour of Anderson Cooper 360 ranked first with 770k versus FNC’s O’Reilly Factor repeat 597k and MSBNC’s repeat of Rachael Maddow trailed with 351k.

During October, CNN’s coverage of the presidential debates rated #1 among cable news networks in 25-54 (three of the four debates aired in October). Additionally, CNN’s coverage of the vice presidential debate set a new record for the network in 18-34 with more than 3.166 million tuning in, the highest number for a scheduled broadcast in the network’s 28-year history.

Headline News grew its total viewer and demo audience by double-digits during every weekday hour and in every daypart in October. The network showed impressive growth with an 82% increase in total viewers in M-Su prime (666k vs. 365k) and a 94% increase in demo viewers (262k vs. 135k). Nancy Grace posted the most growth on the network with an increase of 127% in total viewers (1.191 vs. 454k) and 149% increase in 25-54 (454k vs. 182k).

CNN continues to reach more viewers in October with 79,012,000 total viewers tuning in during the month, FNC had 62,927,000, MSNBC 57,904,000, and HLN 55,323,000. Among 25-54 CNN again ranked first with 36,378,000; MSNBC was second with 28,235,000, FNC had 27,222,000 and HLN had 25,797,000.

In September, the CNN Digital Network ranked #1 among all Current Events and Global News sites, registering 1.7 billion total minutes for the month. This is the highest month on record for CNN.com since tracking began in 2001. (Source: Nielsen Online Home/Work Panel, September 2008)
During September, the CNN Digital Network also:
· Ranked #1 in share among all Current Events and Global News sites; (Source: Nielsen Online Home/Work Panel)
· Registered 44.4 minutes per person, the highest average time per person among the Top 5 News and Information sites based on reach – and the highest average time spent on CNN.com in more than two years; (Source: Nielsen Online Home/Work Panel)
· Registered 37.3 million unique visitors in September, CNN.com’s second highest unique visitor count since tracking began (Source: Nielsen Online Home/Work Panel); and
· Generated 1.9 billion page views, the highest monthly count in almost three years. (Source: Nielsen Online Home/Work Panel)
· Served 144 million videos, the highest month ever for CNN.com video. (Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst, Global)

September was also a record-setting month for CNNMoney.com – CNN’s exclusive business site and the online home of FORTUNE, MONEY and FSB: FORTUNE Small Business magazines – as its reach and engagement grew more than any other site in the business and financial news category according to Nielsen Online. CNNMoney.com’s year-to-date numbers have also increased significantly with 142% growth in page views, a 121% increase in total minutes, a 73% rise in time per person and a 30% increase in unique users over this time last year. (Source: Nielsen Online and Omniture SiteCatlyst, Global)
In September, CNNMoney.com’s month-over-month percentage increases were the highest among the top 10 business and financial news sites; and the site generated record-breaking traffic:
· 10.4 million unique visitors – up 46% versus prior month
· 257.2 million page views – up 58% versus prior month
· 192.8 million minutes – up 67% versus prior month

Additionally, CNN.com set multiple records on its political news and live video platforms during the month of September. On Monday, Sept. 1, the day Hurricane Gustav made landfall and the first day of the Republican National Convention, CNN Digital garnered more than 43 million page views and brought in more than 5.4 million unique users (Source: Nielsen Online Home/Work Panel). Also on that day, CNN.com Live served a record-breaking 1.8 million streams, a 124% increase over CNN.com Live’s previous high on Feb. 21, when it served more than 700,000 streams amid the Democratic presidential debate in Austin, Texas. (Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst, Global)

During the four days of the Republican National Convention, CNN Digital was the most used online news entity with 207.6 million usage minutes, 42.5 million more than Yahoo! News and 45.6 million more than MSNBC Digital.

On Friday, Sept. 26, the day of the first presidential debate, the CNN Digital Network ranked #1 in unique visitors, total minutes and page views. Also, on Sept. 26, the Political Ticker, the #1 political news blog according to Nielsen Online, set a new daily traffic record when it generated 4.8 million page views, nearly doubling its previous daily record, while CNNPolitics.com generated 12 million page views, a 91-percent increase over the prior four-week period. (Source: Omniture SiteCatylist, Global).


  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    I am so happy for Anderson Cooper. It just goes
    to show people like news. It is my hope that
    right after the election CNN does something
    about the 6,7, and 8pm. The numbers for
    these hours on TV By The Numbers do not
    look good. I think Lou Dobds is beginning to
    turn people off in a major league way, I feel
    really bad for Larry King who now has to let
    partisans and radio talk show host take over
    his show. Also I think if the come up with
    some original ideas for Campbell Brown
    say like the Myspace, Facebook ant Twitter
    for prime time . Perhaps adding a user-
    generated portion like people do on Digg.
    Campbell is on in a hour were there is
    opinion on HLN, MSNBC & FNC. CNN
    should try and beat them not copy what
    is already on for the hour. Also maybe
    they could add music that is related to
    the subject at hand.

  2. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Campbell is not going to beat out Keith Olbermann. That is one of the most entertaining shows. At 10pm - it is Anderson Cooper. Love him too. I do watch Rachel Maddow at 9pm on Msnbc. She's fabulous. She is doing so well with her new show. I wish her all the best.

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    CNN is too scared of the right wing.
    They go with the McCain theme of the
    day and at times ignore Obama and
    definitely Joe Biden, CNN needs to add
    some 30 and 20 year olds to do some
    segments from 7-10. 18-34 and 18-49
    will be tuning in to see how Obama does.
    CNN needs to stop listening to talk radio
    and the partisan blogs. 2 words for CNN
    Conor Knighton . He has a show called
    Infomania on Current TV that focuses
    on the media. They have an awesome
    series called Vanguard journalism.
    Maybe Time Warner could buy Current
    and use elements of it for both CNN and
    HLN. Headline is just awful these days.
    Memo to CNN if you are going to use
    Twitter, Facebook and Myspace please
    put the comments to the left or right
    next to the anchor were it can move up
    or down and not the crawl method.

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Here is what CNN should do. Fire Dobbs and
    move Larry King to 7pm. GIve Erica Hill the
    8pm slot. I try with Campbell but I am at
    my limit. Her comments in the beginning
    are silly and odd and does not work. Besides
    you do not have to be a rocket scientist to
    see that Dobbs and Brown do not like Obama.
    Conor Knighton right before AC360 would be
    great. Whenever McCain and Palin or on CNN
    I flip the the channel to Current. Conor reminds
    me of a young Anderson. Knighton has a wit
    and personality that can compete with Rachel.
    My favorite shows are AC 360 and Infomania.
    I have Direc TV but If you can not get Current
    go on the internet and take a look it is good
    journalism and everything CNN should and
    could be by bringing together old school
    reporting and 21st century news that involves
    content from various sources. Of course I will
    not be holding me breath. Also. when King
    retires give Jack Cafferty his own show.
    Cafferty gets it.
