Friday, October 31, 2008 Offers Customizable Race Tracking, Voter Irregularity Reports, Unrivaled Video Experience for Election 2008

CNN Press Release - The week of the election, – the premier online destination for news and information about Election 2008 – will provide users with up-to-the-minute reporting, analysis and results, as well as the ability to customize their online experiences for the latest information on national, state and local races.

“While utilizing the full force of CNN’s vast resources, will blanket the nation on Election Day and provide users with accurate, immediate information in a manner that’s both easy-to-understand and fully customizable,” said Mitch Gelman, senior vice president and senior executive producer of “On Election Night, there is no better place for Web users to find the election results that matter to them most, whether it’s on a national, statewide or county level.”

Leading up to and on Election Night, users can customize their online election tracking through the site’s newly launched “Your Races” feature. At, users are able to follow the latest developments in up to 35 different races at once, including presidential, congressional and gubernatorial contests, as well as key ballot measures. Additionally, the latest information about users’ top three races will “follow” them throughout in a module on the right hand side of the Web page. Mobile users also can obtain instant results to the races that matter to them most – from the president to local district representatives – simply by entering a ZIP code into the “Your Races” field on the homepage of the Mobile site.

The information-rich and easy-to-use CNN Election Tracker, found at, provides users with detailed state-by-state information related to the presidential election across several different categories, including polling, fundraising, ad spending and past election results. The Election Tracker also makes it possible for users to “mash-up” and compare the candidates’ campaign strategies across two of those categories through the “Power Play” interactive at Additionally, the CNN Electoral Map Calculator at enables users to make their own predictions about which candidate will capture the electoral votes in each state, as well as compare different scenarios. As the polls close on Nov. 4, the CNN Electoral Map Calculator will automatically update, providing the latest Electoral College results in the battle for the White House. also is providing its users with the latest information about voting problems or irregularities through its Voter Hotline Map. Found at, the interactive map is powered by CNN’s own Voter Hotline which launched earlier this month. On this map, users can click each state to find out how many total complaint calls have been received; the top three counties in the state with the most complaints; and the top three types of problems reported in that state. To date, the hotline has received more than 18,000 calls with the expectation to handle hundreds of thousands of calls by Election Night. To report problems at the polls, call 1.877.GOCNN08 (877.462.6608).

Beginning on Monday, Nov. 3, Live, the site’s live, multi-stream video news service, will provide users access to a wide variety of content, including the candidates’ final campaign stops and stump speeches, live and in their entirety. The streaming video service also will feature special replays of the recent presidential and vice presidential debates, convention speeches and special CNN programming profiling each candidate.

On Election Day, Live will provide live reports from polling stations across the country. As polls close, special Election Night coverage is anchored by Melissa Long live from the CNN Election Center in New York and Reggie Aqui, Naamua Delaney and Nicole Lapin from CNN Headquarters in Atlanta. Election Night coverage includes real-time election results, and live analysis from CNN correspondents and contributors. Also, as the races are called, Live users can watch all acceptance and concession speeches in their entirety from candidates for president, vice president, the House of Representatives, the Senate and governor.

Just as it has throughout the entirety of the campaign, the CNN Political Ticker - the Internet’s No. 1 political news blog according to Nielsen Online, will provide up-to-the-minute analysis from the “Best Political Team.” Also, through The Forum,’s destination for social and political self-expression, users are empowered to engage in real-time discussions with The Forum’s other registered members – and also invite their Facebook friends to join in the conversation through the recently launched Facebook Connect.

In addition to providing detailed coverage and thorough analysis through its political news gateway at, will showcase a countdown clock for the first state poll closings; provide detailed exit-poll data across numerous categories such as age, gender, key issues and race; and closely track the “balance-of-power” in the Senate and House races. is the world's No. 1 destination for online and wireless news, garnering the greatest audience share of total minutes among current events and global news sites. Launched in 1995, draws from the resources of CNN Worldwide and its many partners to provide consumers with the most enriching, immediate interaction with news anywhere, seamlessly combining articles, videos, images, interactive features and user-generated content.’s news video offering – both live and on-demand – is unparalleled on the Web.’s recent awards include an Edward R. Murrow award, a National Headliner award, four EPpy awards and the Online News Association’s award for general excellence.

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