Monday, June 16, 2008

New AC360° Site?

This week, The AC360° blog has a new look. Does this mean at the AC360° website will be getting a new look to match the new look to the Lou Dobbs website? Stay tuned...


  1. I liked the old site better honestly.

    But it's great, that Andy's got some color now lol.

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    The site is awesome. It has become a site for me
    to visit daily. They need to expand with something
    like this on as well. Letting viewers
    comment on all of the stories and video and
    ask question about what they are seeing on the
    web. And let viewers vote on the stories they
    would like to see covered. Hey throw in CNN
    International, AOL, Time, Fortune and Sports
    Illustrated as well. In the last couple of weeks
    Time and Fortune got some awesome stories.
    They need to find a way to bring some of these
    stories to CNN as well.
