Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Prime News Host

During Erica Hill's tearful goodbye on Prime News with Erica Hill last night, it was announced that Mike Galanos will be taking over for Erica as she moves to New York to be a correspondent on Anderson Cooper 360°. You may remember that when Prime News started on Headline News, Mike and Erica co-hosted the show.

They removed her photo from the Prime News website but as of this writing, you can still see that her "head" is visisble.


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I think Mike is a good news anchor.. Although I do wonder if the newscast is going towards more opinion? Because if you notice, since Mike returned with his "get to the point segment" its been a whole bunch of opinion. And it seems to me like an "opinion" type news show would fit in better with Grace & Beck.

  2. Mike also guest-hosted Glenn Beck a while back as well.....
