Wednesday, October 10, 2007

CNN HD Generic Spot

Look closely (around the 0:20 mark), you'll see Campbell Brown making an appearance in this promo.


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I hope the best the Campbell.I hope CNN does
    this in 2008.

    !. Do any evening newscast at 6pm eastern
    with John Roberts.

    2. At 6:30 pm do a mix of the top stories
    featuring the reporters that CNN has
    all from around the world.Mix it with
    music like they do the I-reports on the
    web only use the CNN reporters on the

    3. Move Lou Dobbs to the 7pm eastern hour.

    4. Campbell Brown's program needs to
    be freedom from Grace, BOR and Ko
    for the hour and more news less talk.
    tv news is suppose to be visual not
    audible that makes it nothing more
    than talk radio.

    5. Make AC 360 live for 2 hours again.
    For hour 2 bring back the vintage
    360 with the cool bump music and
    the Nth Degree. And use the cool
    stuff the have on the web like the
    I-report and other segments like
    the music report on CNN. com
    Get rid of the teases and make it
    all news even :15 stories accompanied
    by video and music before the commercials
    as well as for coming back to the studio
    following the break.And of course fresh
    updates for all of the stories.

    **Disclaimer : I work in tv news and love CNN.
    It has always been my favorite

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Thanks for this blog.It is one of the few
    places where the journalism is important
    and the silliness that is out there does not
    make it here.

  3. You're very welcome! I appreciate your comments. We are just fans of CNN around here and love keeping other fans informed.

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    How can we find this on youtube??? What are search words to use???

  5. You can find us on YouTube at

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    #5 will NEVER happen. It wasn't making MONEY. Nth degrees haven't been around for almost 2 years, they certainly aren't going to bring it back now. They can't afford to buy music for the debate thing, so the "cool" bump music went bye bye.
