Thursday, May 10, 2007


Isha Sesay was presenting the Insight segment during Your World Today at 1645 gmt on CNN/I. YWT was being hosted by Jim Clancy and Hala Gorani, the latter speaking with Isha after the segment.

Isha is usually seen hosting World News at the weekends on CNN/I. However, she has recently been used for other things, including hosting Inside Africa, reporting from Nigeria during the elections and co-hosting Your World Today recently.

Some time back CNN/I ditched Insight in the 30-minute weeknightly format, and turned it into an insert within programmes such as Your World Today and World News. Jonathan Mann has remained the host. It appeared that this was for a trial period to judge the viewer reaction.

What is your view on the changes to Insight? Hit "Comment" and let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Hi there!! I think this format of Insight is good although i guess there should be different reports on different hours. Jonathan Mann is doing the same thing Live every hour.
