Tuesday, April 24, 2007

CNN Newsroom Afternoon Edition

Suzanne Malveaux is in for Kyra Phillips today on CNN Newsroom. Is this her first "fill-in" from Atlanta? I know she's filled in on The Situation Room before.

Betty Nguyen was in for Heidi Collins this morning on CNN Newsroom.


  1. I've seen Suzanne fill in on the old CNN Saturday/Sunday before but its been quite a while since she's done it.

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    PLEASE bring back Kyra Phillips! She's been gone too long.

  3. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Yeah she's filled in for Fredericka Whitfield before.

    She also filled in as a co-anchor alongside Heidi Collins way back when Heidi still did weekend mornings. It was gruesome.

    She's gotten much better with time.

    But IMO she and Don Lemon are flirting a lot of time when they are on-air!
