Tuesday, February 13, 2007

CNN accused of staging Nigerian report

Nigerian Minister of Information Frank Nweke Jr has accused CNN of fabricating a report broadcast last week on the capture of 24 Filipino hostages. Nweke says that the report by Jeff Koinange was "a paid job".

CNN and Koinange have flatly denied the charge in a written statement, maintaining that the network did not pay for any part of the report or any interviews. Additionally, CNNI have been seen to broadcast statements regarding the charges. This morning during Business International, Adrian Finighan presented a report on the charges, featuring Monday's interview between Jim Clancy and the Nigerian information minister. Adrian followed this report with a full statement upholding CNN's policy on reporting. It appears that this policy was read out, word for word, on all CNN networks on 13 February.

To read more about this, click here


  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Dear Mr. King:
    Am I loosing my mind or when you had Obama on your show he said he had no idea that the people were that into chang. I do recall when President Clinton was first elected his slogan was It is Time for a Change. I think to me that makes Obama one of the biggest liars I have ever seen in politics. He knew this slogan would work just like it did for Clinton years ago. I feel sorry for Hillary is seems to me she is running against her own husband some time I am a single parent and the Clinton adm. Was great for me.

  2. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Dear Mr. King:
    Am I loosing my mind or when you had Obama on your show he said he had no idea that the people were that into change. I do recall when President Clinton was first elected his slogan was It is Time for a Change. I think to me that makes Obama one of the biggest liars I have ever seen in politics. He knew this slogan would work just like it did for Clinton years ago. I feel sorry for Hillary is seems to me she is running against her own husband some time I am a single parent and the Clinton adm. Was great for me.
