Wednesday, December 06, 2006

CNN survey on graphics, sets

Moments ago I received an online survey from CNN, via YouGov, with all questions asking about news channel slogans, and the new graphics and sets for CNN International. It particularly focused on the slogan "Be The First To Know" in comparison to other suggested slogans, which suggest that they may be thinking of a change (Incidentally, I think "Be The First To Know" is perfect, although I did also suggest my own slogan)

The survey also asked me to compare how "contemporary" and "stylish" the new on-air look for CNNI was compared to other news broadcasters, including BBC World, Euronews and Sky News.

It is unlikely that we will ever see the compiled results for this survey, but it is obvious that CNN is interested in how the new look has been received by the viewers, and how people see CNN now, compared to other broadcasters.


  1. That's great. Why did you receive this? Are you on a mailing list for CNN/I of some sort?


  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I recieved it too, it was an intereting poll. And i never thought CNN/I would so bother about it's graphics. Hehe, i gave pretty negative replies so that they can at least change some features of the new package.

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I participated in this survey as well for YouGov. I gave negative responses as well because I don't like the new look.
