Thursday, November 30, 2006

Amanpour returns to screens

* A face I haven't seen on CNN for a while reappeared early this morning on CNN International. On CNN Today from Hong Kong at 0215gmt, Christiane Amanpour was in the London studio being interviewed by Johnathan Mann in the Atlanta studio on the letter to the American people from Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Originally I thought this must have come from the previous evening's Insight programme, but I caught a re-run of this later and it was about the environment in Brazil. In any case, good to see Christiane back on the screen again

* A brief observation. Last week I reported that the background screens at the Hong Kong set had stopped moving. I noticed on CNN Today from Hong Kong this morning that they are now back to normal.

* For anyone who doesn't usually get to see the full CNNI graphics package, Pipe 3 on CNN Pipeline at 0255gmt this morning re-run the previous evenings edition of CNN Connects: Voices of Brazil with Jim Clancy in Rio de Janeiro. The rerun had obviously been recorded straight off-air from CNNI, as it came complete with CNN logo top left, the CNN Connects logo bottom right, and a rather out of date news flipper across the bottom of the screen!

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